Visualize and analyze complex challenges the easy way (02:00 - 07 :00 PM GMT+1)
What you learn:
If you have complex challenges involving the interplay of many factors you need a tool to visualise and analyse the interconnections. Qualitative modeling allows you to directly translate arguments into cause and effect relations - whether it is in a workshop, in a collaborative model or for your own. Without sophisticated formula you can simply weight connections and with the Insight Matrix you will see what are the most effective levers or hinderances to your targets.
The workshops explains the scientific basis for this fuzzy approach and how the results are generated. Also it compares qualitative and quantitative models from concrete projects. The participants will work on their own chosen example - first exploratively collecting arguments, then weighting the connections, and finally analysing the model and presenting the results. Also, the workshop is offering tipps and tricks on how to facilitate stakeholder workshops with collaborative modeling or group modeling
Organization: A maximum of ten participants.The time will be 2pm to 7pm (EST/GMT-5) with a break in the middle. The platform to be used will be Zoom. The iMODELER can be started in your browser. Since participants come from around the world we may adopt the time.
Trainer: Kai Neumann and/or Franc Grimm, both scientists and business consultants with more than 20 years of experience.
Price: The price is 195 EUR/person (plus VAT if applicable). The iMODELER comes as a freeware for qualitative modeling. To save on fees, the workshop can also be paid for via the online store. Alternatively, you will receive an invoice upon booking.
Background: System Dynamics is a powerful way to simulate complex systems. However, it takes a lot of effort to elaborate the correct formula, collect data, and test and validate the models. Therefore, in many cases modellers just come up with Causal Loop Diagrams (CLD) that merely visualise the interactions within a system and highlight its feedback loops. An alternative would be so called Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) that allow for a rough weighting of the connections to come up with further insights derived from the dynamics of the system. Unfortunately, FCMs for some reason show no escalation from reinforcing feedback loops. The software iMODELER uses another approach to calculate the effects along impact chains and loops. Its Insight Matrix shows you levers short, medium, and long term. Modellers around the world have used this innovative way to identify risks and solutions to their challenge in relative short time. While even smaller CLDs often are a matter of interpretation and while for simulation models there is notice nor budget, a qualitative model with matrix analyses based on weighted connections shows results in no time even for larger models with thousands of feedback loops.
Location: Virtual Workshop