
Below you will find the current dates of our MODELER Club, which are open to all interested parties. Please also ask about our offers for individual online workshops or remote coaching ( KNOW-WHY.NET also provides you with a platform (community) for the exchange of free (knowledge) models on a wide variety of topics.

As an informal user community, the MODELER Club is the central point of contact for all MODELERS. Training, education, exchange of experience and knowledge, assistance with modeling questions, networking and, above all, the active development of cause-and-effect models with the iMODELER on a wide variety of specific (!) issues characterize the club.

The club's mission is to enable everyone (!) to present, analyze and communicate complex issues to third parties even better and more easily in the future. The club stands for a different & better way of dealing with complexity through cause-effect modeling and is committed to the sustainable establishment of systems thinking & modeling in daily practice and in all decision-making situations - be it in the private, corporate, political or social sphere.

To this end, the MODELER Club offers the following activities, which are open to everyone:

  • Open space modeling: As part of the half-day application workshops, participants exercise and practice the application of qualitative modeling and analysis on a wide variety of topics (optionally in individual or group work) and receive optimal support (especially when creating their own models for the first time) at first hand. The topic of the application can be chosen freely so that work can also be carried out on specific topics / challenges.
  • MODELER-CAMP (user conference): the MODELER-CAMP offers intensive modeling practice from practitioners for practitioners - equally for MODELERS, beginners, regular visitors and experts. Due to the pandemic, the conference could not be held in recent years.
  • Practice Camps: 2-day practice camps are held on a wide range of topics to deepen your own knowledge and create your own models (or simulation games). Participants receive optimal first-hand support.
  • Application, moderation & method training: Intensive workshops on the application of qualitative and quantitative modeling (simulation) are held regularly. In addition, in-depth training on the KNOW-WHY method is offered.
  • Software training: As part of so-called crash courses, participants learn the main functions of iMODELER+ (Qualitative & Quantitative Modeling/Simulation).
  • MODELER-Meetings: Practical examples, success stories, new models, simulation games & iMODELER functions, fields of application, etc. are presented at regular intervals.

The current dates are listed below:

Currently there are no events.

more dates to come in 2024